Which type of lien waiver should I use with my billing?

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Which type of lien waiver should I use with my billing?

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The type of lien waiver you need to submit with your billing is based on a few factors.

There are four (4) different types of lien waivers, and each is based on a combination of two (2) choices.

The first choice is whether this is an interim lien waiver for a progress payment application, or a final lien waiver for a final payment application.

The second choice is whether the lien waiver is conditional or unconditional. For example, does the lien waiver only apply if you receive a future payment? That is called a condition and it would be stated in your conditional lien waiver.

Don’t worry. We have created a matrix and workflow to help you choose the right version to submit with your payment application.

Please note that the lien waiver must be submitted with your payment application – not after – or your payment application will be rejected and you will have to submit it again.

Lien Waiver Matrix

Lien Waiver Forms & Decision Tree

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